Thursday, May 1, 2008

Don't Give Up

Life throws so many curve balls it is impossible to keep ahead of the count.Prime example;I just recently moved from Iowa to Texas and just before I left my engine in my car blew,talk about being angry!I was ticked!!!,Isn't it funny that when you pay something off it breaks down!

Life in Texas isn't bad besides not being able to find a job,wife just told me she's pregnant,and that car "why did it have to die on me after all we've been through." Fact is when we put our trust in our worldly possessions,and ourselves failure is imminent, here my plans for success were based on things going smoothly; like having a vehicle to move around in and landing that wonderful job. But life took an unexpected turn and punched me right in the nose.I call that the wake up call. Now don't get me wrong ambition is a great motivator as long as you don't get caught up in some fairy tell.I believe we should embrace disappointment and frustration as a vital part of learning and a part of life it's called adversity.This is where flexibility comes to play. How far are you willing to stretch? Have you reached your breaking point? I'm sure we all have been there but who in there right mind wants to stay there.I have yet to hear the weather man say it is going to rain everyday,all over the globe which is good news that means the sun will shine!!!

Of course we can't live life waiting on suddenly either,but we can take full advantage of the now. How is your heart? Life beating you down? Well do as I did, stand on the solid rock that is the word of God which says you overcame in spite of your False Evidence that Appears Real.Now get back in the game and swing for the fence.It ain't over!In fact you breakthrough is on the way!!!

Be Blessed

(Photo furnished by Google)

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