Friday, February 20, 2009

Make UP Your Mind!!!!!

While reading a number of profiles on face book I recognized a lot of people proclaiming the faith of Christ who knew if they searched their hearts they could determine if they were in fact genuine followers. I believe the first thing to consider when answering this question would be: Is your religious status active or not? Consider your life as you live it today! Next Christ is not something you try and there for you are. Christianity in all its Glory should contain Christians who practice the faith. Third, Christianity is a lifestyle that breeds or produces love. Below is a little story please consider and make the necessary changes on your religious stance.

There was a man named (Aren't) whom proclaimed to be a Christian,there also was a man named (IS) who proclaimed to be a follower of Christ. (Aren't) used to go to church on Wednesday's and Sunday's. In fact he doesn't read his bible anymore in his leisure nor does he practice the faith. But every time a question of religion would come up he would confess to be a Christian. Meanwhile (Is) confessed to be a follower of Christ. He sought out Jesus teachings, he went to church on Wednesday's and Sunday's. He reads his bible daily, He talked with his pastors for clarity of scriptures, and he practiced the teachings of Christ. (Is) began to see a change the more he studied and applied the teachings of Jesus to his life. Immediately he lost a lot of friends, slowly he gave up drugs, negativity, sexual immorality, the spirit of revenge, and turned over his chaotic life to Christ for a chance to have peace. Now (Aren't) this Christian wannabe is nothing but a fraud. He threw out his bible to embrace the way of the world. He was baptized in a church years ago and believes that qualifies him as a christian. He does what he feel is right in his own heart. He doesn't care about the fact that Jesus was put on a cross and died for him. He doesn't pick up his cross daily. (Aren't) doesn't put his trust in Jesus (Aren't) puts his trust in himself. (Aren't) is not a Christian he is a self-preservationist (A case of mistaken identity). (Is) has been trying to undo the (Arent's) of this world since the beginning. If you are a real follower of Christ, a real Christian then lives that way in spite of what anyone say's or does. Please help us purge out the unbelievers whom call them selves Christians . I stand with the (IS) of this world because I believe and practice this saving faith. Now I ain't perfect, but the faith of Christ is not about being perfect, it's about recognizing that you need a Savior who is. Now I can be free with only one will and that is to please my father Jesus by doing things his way. Not my will, but his will shall be done. Please consider this and update your records.

Become an (IS) Today!!! The choice is up to you!!!!!!!!!!

Fidel (May God Bless you All)

If you are an unbeliever call your local church or visit them. If you are in the area please visit my church
Northbrook Baptist Church -
1700 Boyson Road NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Proclaim his Glory!!!!!!!!!

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